Direction not Destination

Thursday 15 May 2008

Earthquake hits Wolong

I'm totally behind on posting this: the earthquake that hit China earlier this week is in the region where CSIS does its research on Giant Pandas - the Wolong Panda Reserve. Two of my colleagues and friends, Wei Liu and Mao-Ning Tuan Mu, were in the region when the 'quake hit. They, along with Yu "Chris" Li who is also in the area (in the city of Chengdu) survived and are well. They are currently helping out with the relief effort - inevitably their fieldwork has been put on hold.

The 'To catch a panda' website I highlighted previously will be updated as news is received. The CSIS HELP PANDA fund, set up to enable those interested in the understanding and preservation of giant panda habitat to help the area, has been expanded to allow people to help both earthquake victims and the area. Tax-deductable donations can be made on the site.


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This work by James D.A. Millington is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.


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