Direction not Destination

Tuesday 19 September 2006

Naveh's Holistic Landscape Ecology

(or "One of the reasons I've ended up doing what I'm doing")

I don't know if he was the first to come up with the term, but I first read about holistic landscape ecology in a couple of papers by Prof. Zev Naveh (in 2001 during my third year undergrad course at King's, 'Landscape Ecology' run by Dr. George Perry). Whilst reading today I came across some old notes I made from one of those papers (not terribly critical as you can see!?). Distinguished Professors of a Certain Age are allowed licence to run riot with their accumulated wisdom as you can see. I'm not being facetious - they can write bigger 'blue skies', 'call to arms' pieces than other (more lowly) academics.

These are the two papers that really got me interested anwyay (as well as my Disertation; finally, as a 3rd year undergrad!?). I think I thought something along the lines of, "there are problems here that we should be thinking about now and this guy is suggesting a paradigm of how we might start approaching them scientifically". I think they're one of the reasons I started a MSc ("I can't stop now I've only just found this stuff"), and then later continued onto this 'ere PhD ("this is interesting - I want to keep going").

Later I got to these questions;
  • What sort of scientific tools and methods will we need to address problems that we have in our socio-environmental systems now?
  • How do we integrate tools and methods from different scientific disciplines? (i.e. how do we really become 'inter-disciplinary'?)
  • What sort of science will this be? Normal? Post-Normal? Something else?

It could take a while to answer these - but it doesn't seem like we've got that long. We'll have to work them out as we go along I think...


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